Monday, 4 November 2013

Attack of the Germs!

Kids get sick. Fact of life. Other fact of life? Parents often follow suit. I am a bit luckier than most. Working with children, I have managed to build up a formidable immune system, capable of fending off the plethora of snotty Kleenexes that cross my path and the misdirected sneezes that land on me throughout any given day. But every once in a while, one of those pesky germs manages to slip through my defenses and bring me to my knees. Literally.

A virus is currently making the rounds of my household, and it happens to be one of the latter. First, down went the Papashunga, making a mad dash to the facilities in the middle of the night.

Next went Tootie, our darling little girl. Luckily, there was no barfing involved in her version. The last time she had a “barfing flu”, she neglected to wake up before said barfing began. Making for a VERY messy clean-up. Not once, not twice, but three times that night I changed her jammies and sheets, and washed her hair, floor and wall. That’s right, wall. That was a fun night.

The third victim of this latest attack was Mr. Doo, our little man. Poor Mr. Doo awoke from his nap yesterday with one thing on his mind – emptying his stomach. Which he did, all over the bathroom floor. If I had to choose a floor in the house that I would prefer to be vomited on, the bathroom floor would be high in the rankings, I suppose. He had fevers and chills intermittently throughout the day, but seems to be recovering nicely already.

And finally, yours truly. After the minis were tucked into bed last night, a peculiar feeling washed over me. I will spare you the details, suffice to say that I am already feeling better, but had to take a recovery day today.

The silver lining? A day at home, just Mr. Doo and I. A day full of cuddles, movies and naps. I cherish this one-on-one time, and live in fear of the day when he won’t want to spend extended periods of time curled up in the crook of my arm. Or –gasp -  won’t even fit in that comfy nook! So for now, we are sharing head space on the pillow, and sick and all, I am enjoying every second of it.

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