Sunday, 26 January 2014

Age is a Number

Photo courtesy of Facebook

I saw this comic on my Facebook news feed and immediately had to share it. It made me laugh! And then it made me think. And then I realized – gasp! – I’m over 30! I’m in that unfortunate in-between stage where I can’t claim the wisdom of being old, but nor can I any longer lay claim to the ignorance of youth. I’m (gulp) creeping up on being middle-aged! (Truthfully, I’m not really sure when exactly that magical period begins, but I know I’m close.)

Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I do double-takes. Who is that person? I haven’t physically changed that much, but my face definitely no longer exemplifies the Noxema Girl complexion that I used to be known for in my youth. My eyes are just that much more…tired. And what are those things that have appeared by my eyes in certain lights? I won’t say the word. I refuse.

I don’t have a fear or dread of getting older. It isn’t that I mind the inevitable passage of time. It is just that I seemed to have missed it. It happened all of a sudden. I lived my life, enjoying lots of adventures and experiences, and then wammo! I was old. Don’t scoff. Thirty-three isn’t old and I know it. But it is the oldest that I have ever been, so it feels old to me. Correction, it sounds old to me. Much like the comic states, I still feel young.

As a youngin’, I was always under the impression that people who moaned and whined about aging were actually upset over the missed opportunities and regrets. Now, I’m more of the mind that they have a more concrete grasp on the finiteness of age. Once you turn twenty-nine, you never turn twenty-nine again… Unless you are my grandmother, who I’m fairly certain managed to turn twenty-nine until I was about seventeen, at which point she may have upgraded to thirty-nine. My Nana also happens to be one of those people who can pull that particular trick off. Without knowing the year she was born, it would be a monumental challenge to guess her age. Way to go Nana on looking so amazing for your age - at every age!

While aging isn’t such a bad thing, I have no doubt that as my body ages, my heart and mind will continue to exist in perpetual youth. Except for when I am surrounded by actual youth. At which point, I vow to be happy to have safely reached my ripe old age and the maturity that goes along with.


  1. Lindsay... This is a great post. I predict that you will be just like your Nana as time goes on. I am 61 now and I just can't believe it! How did it happen! A you grow older, you will probably have the same feelings that you have now... you will continue to wonder how it happened when you were just living your life! I still feel young, 27 to be exact. Picasso said that everyone has an age that they see themselves as... mine is 27, his was 18, what is yours? It's a cool concept because no matter how old I get, I still think about my 27-year-old self and it makes me warm inside.

  2. I got cut off my last comment... I just wanted to end by saying I think you are very very beautiful and to me, you will always have that Noxema face, even when YOU'RE 61!!!!!! Watch your Nana and let her be your mentor for the next 60+ years of your life... She sounds awesome. And even though, we have known each other a relatively short time, I am very proud of you for the way you live your life.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Awww, why thank you for your very kind words Miss Jane! I would have to say that my "age" is probably 24. *sigh*, such good times. And yes, my Nana is most definitely awesome, in so many many ways!

  5. My Nana is one of my faithful blog followers, but doesn't have a Google account through which to comment. I am therefore posting this comment on her behalf:

    Love your latest blog ! All my life I have had fun with my age....loved being 29 for so many years and now that I have reached 39 ,and plan to stay there for a while ,it is rather difficult to explain how I can have a granddaughter in her 30's and even more mystifying how I can have 3 great grandchildren . Seriously I firmly believe that age is just a number ...some days 20 and some days 90 ...or anywhere in between . The secret is to always feel young at heart and not take life too seriously.
