Sunday, 1 June 2014

What to do when bored in timeout...

Set up a shoe store. Obviously.

Neat Run

I participated in a run this weekend. It was a five mile race down a country road from one teeny tiny town to an even teeny tinier one. What I didn't take into account when I signed up was all the hills that existed in between these two tiny places. What had once felt like gently rolling hills, this morning felt like the steepest inclines EVER, with one running into the other. But the views were magnificent, the sun was hot and the breeze was gentle.


Last weekend, the original Mamashunga and Papashunga came for a visit. The minis were super excited. To the point where sleep seemed optional to them. They weathered the lack of sleep remarkably well...until the visit was over.

We went to a giant garage sale in a swanky neighbourhood in the city. We found a few treasures, but mostly just had fun walking around. It was insanely busy, and I spent most of my time trying to navigate the stroller around the crowds.

Mr. Doo decided he had had enough after two hours, and we escaped to a restaurant for some kid-friendly lunch. Mr. Doo was pretty excited about his ice cream at the end of the meal. Check out his ice-cream crazy face:

The rest of the visit was spent playing, walking and spending quality time together. Good times had by all!

Mr. Doo shared his blankie!

Important stories were told...

More important stories!

Tootie picked some flowers...of course.
